
February 2014
reviewed: Handy, helpful and humorous!
As a proofreader I found this extremely useful with lots of tips and tricks even I didn't know about! William Critchley pr...
The Pocket Book of Proofreading: A guide to freelance proofreading & copy-editing - William Critchley
read and rated
finished reading:
February 2014
text: Running Out of Steam
I like eating treacle. Sometimes, when I fancy something sweet to eat I'll toast some bread and then add a spoonful of treacl...
Raising Steam - Terry Pratchett
finished reading:
February 2014
started reading:
January 2014
As a half-breed vampire, Ella Grey’s life sucks. She does her best to pass the time killing demons and secretly admiring her ...
text: We now have a podcast!
Hi Guys! Yes. It's true! We now have a podcast! YAY! The podcast will be in conjunction with my blogs here. So just to ...
January 2014
this is shocking.
January 2014
text: Reading progress update: I've read 127 out of 375 pages.
Well I' m about a third of the way through this and to be honest I'm struggling. Now, don't get me wrong, I am going to finis...
Raising Steam - Terry Pratchett
January 2014
BookLikes Reading Challenge: Spence167 wants to read 26 books in 2014.
Spence167 has read 3 book(s) out of 26 books in
2014 Reading Challenge
January 2014
text: A - Z Challenge - D
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Do The Birds Still Sing in Hell? Rating: 5/5 I can't stop raving ab...
text: A - Z Challenge
OK, so it's a little bit late (but not too much. It is only the first week in January, after all) but I have set myself a cha...
read and rated
started following: